So what does innovation actually mean?

According to the Meriam-Webster Dictionary, the definition of innovation is:

1. the introduction of something new
2. a new idea, device, or method
3. the act or process of introducing new ideas, devices, or methods

A quick search on Google reveals almost half a billion webpages and more than sixteen million articles on Google News.

The word “innovation” has become so ubiquitous that many roll their eyes when they hear it as they assume that anyone who’s using it can’t actually be all that innovative.

Yet one can argue that innovation is literally the lifeblood of 21st century economies and societies.

We live in an age where incredible technologies that shift paradigms for entire industries are being invented, tested, and launched to market every single day. We are awash in innovation, which means we are being forced to go through the act of adopting new ideas, devices, or methods at an increasingly rapid rate.

Think about how the Internet alone has impacted every facet of modern life in less than thirty years, and yet it is still in its infancy relative to its long-term potential, plus it is but one category of technological infrastructure that’s powering the innovation tsunami that’s cresting before us today.

That all being said, no one can argue that the word “innovation” is often overused to describe things that aren’t necessarily all that innovative. So how do we here at Mojo determine what qualifies as an innovation worth covering?

For starters, to us innovation isn’t just about ideas, it’s about putting those ideas into action in a way that makes the world a better place.

Innovation also isn’t just about new ideas, it is about getting new results from existing technologies or processes or organizations either by making meaningful improvements to existing applications or by finding new applications of ideas that already exist, especially those that open up new markets.

Innovation isn’t just about new widgets, it’s also about new processes, new organizations, and especially finding new models for using tools to solve problems and create opportunities in a systematic way.

The beautiful thing about innovation is that it can happen anywhere anytime by anyone. Innovation isn’t just the domain of wild-haired inventors or Silicon Valley entrepreneurs and university researchers.

Instead we believe that innovation is the state of mind of anyone who refuses to accept the status quo but instead commits themselves to finding new ways to make the world a better place for more people.

In fact, one could argue that innovation is the best way to describe what separates man from animal as it’s our incredible ability to repeatedly try out new things in new ways that has empowered humanity to build modern society as we know it.

And that’s why we created as we want to establish a resource that empowers everyone to participate in and contribute to innovating a better future for us all.

Because we believe that in order to win the future, everyone must embrace innovation in their lives. And we’re here to help you do that by enabling you to stay up to date on the latest innovations and their ramifications, and to find ways to accelerate the positive impacts of innovation througout our communities.